Supported Asset Types

DeFi positions can be broken down into numerous major asset types. There are two main categories when considering wallet portfolio analytics: Wallet Assets and Productive Assets.

Wallet Assets are defined as non-yield generating tokens held in a wallet, and we refer to these as Wallet (Non-LP) assets. Productive assets are open, yield-generating positions, such as Wallet (LP) and LP Farm.

The list below details the asset types currently supported by Treehouse APIs. Note that we are currently working on expanding the number of asset types supported.

Wallet (Non-LP)

Wallet (Non-LP) assets represent standard non-yield generating ERC-20 tokens that are not directly interacting with a protocol.

Wallet (LP)

Wallet (LP) assets are receipt tokens issued when a wallet provides liquidity. These assets represent a proportional share of the pooled assets.

Wallet (SLP)

Wallet (SLP) assets are receipt tokens issued when a wallet provides liquidity to a single-sided liquidity pool. These assets represent a proportional share of the pooled assets.

LP Farm

LP Farm assets represent Wallet (LP) tokens deposited into a farm contract to earn extra interest or rewards on top of the fees generated by the liquidity pool. The balance amount indicates the wallet’s share of the LP farm.

Leveraged LP Farm

Leveraged LP Farm assets are Wallet (LP) tokens deposited into a contract by borrowing additional tokens from the relevant protocol to increase balance and earn a higher rate of interest and rewards.

SLP Farm

Similar to LP Farm, but with Wallet (SLP) tokens instead.

Single Asset Staking

Single Asset Staking refers to Wallet (Non-LP) assets locked in contracts. While the token is being locked, it generates interest / rewards for the user.


Lending assets represent the amount lent to a money market protocol. Interest and rewards generally accumulate during the lending period and will be reflected in the overall balance of the position.


Borrowing assets represent the assets borrowed from a money market protocol. Interest payable generally accumulates during the borrowing period and will increase the overall balance of the borrowed position. Borrowing typically requires collateral to be posted beforehand.

Protocol-wide Rewards

Tokens paid out for interacting with a protocol's smart contract. While most yield farming assets currently record the rewards on the position level, this asset type aims to capture all other rewards that are not attributable to any specific position.

Locked Rewards

Similar to Protocol-wide Rewards, except a portion of it is locked up and distributed to the user over a period of time.

Vesting Rewards

Deposit a token into a vesting pool to be rewarded with another token, of which a portion is locked up and distributed to the user over a period of time.

Liquid Staking

Similar to Single Asset staking except that the user gets back a synthetic token after depositing into a pool. The synthetic token is transferable and can be used in other protocols.

Locked Liquid Staking

Similar to Liquid Staking, except that in order to withdraw token from the liquid staking pool, users are required to make a withdrawal request and wait for a cool-down period to claim the token.

Governance Staking

Governance Staking is when users have to stake the protocol’s governance token to be able to vote on the protocol’s proposal. After locking up liquidity, the user will receive a token representing the voting share in the governance proposal. It is common that these tokens are non-transferable and do not come with a price. Users also may or may not earn extra rewards by locking up their liquidity.

Governance LP Farm

Similar to Governance Staking, but instead of staking their governance token, the user can choose to deposit LP tokens in the governance vault.

Last updated