Setting up Cryptosheets


Please make sure that you have the following:

  1. Treehouse API key

  2. Cryptosheets account

Adding Your Treehouse API Key

  1. Visit the settings page of the Cryptosheets Web App

  2. Click on the "All Integrations" tab

  1. Search for Treehouse and click "Activate"

  1. Follow the steps and input your Treehouse API access key

  2. Once you've successfully activated Treehouse, it should appear under the "Your Integrations" tab

Connecting Cryptosheets to Excel / Google Sheets

The next step is to install the add-in on Excel / Google Sheets. To do so, follow this guide by Cryptosheets.

Once successfully installed, you're ready to start building queries on Excel / Google Sheets!

Building Your Queries

  1. Head over to the browse section of Cryptosheets and search for Treehouse

  2. Select an API that suits your needs

  1. Build your query on Cryptosheets - you can see the output of your query using the "Make Request" button

  2. Once you're satisfied with the output, copy the query and paste it into your Excel / Google Sheet

Last updated